Naming Convention

Variables are essentially ‘named containers’, where a user-defined name is applied to a defined entity, either a constant or function. Variable names are case-insensitive and can include characters or numbers, but not spaces or commas. Variable names must begin with @ and include at least one other letter, number or underscore. You should consider naming variables with a human-readable taxonomy that has meaning or context to others, so your code is easy to interpret and does not require reverse engineering to comprehend its purpose.

For example, if you are setting a variable that derives a propensity score value from customer data, you should consider using a name like @propensityScore, not @ps. Also, it can be helpful to apply camel-case notation for variable names that are comprised of more than one word by capitalizing subsequent words. For example, a variable named @preferredContactNumber is easier to read than @preferredcontactnumber.