This function performs the instantiated Marketing Cloud API Object. It returns a status code value and a status message.
NOTE: Only certain API Objects can be performed. Current objects are listed in documentation for the Perform API Method.
Ordinal | Type | Required | Description |
1 | API Object | True | The API Object to be performed |
2 | String | True | The action to perform on the object. Must be a valid action for the object specified in the first argument. |
3 | Variable | False | The AMPscript variable in which the resulting status message is stored |
The following example retrieves the ObjectID
of a QueryDefinition
and then performs it.
var @rr, @objectID, @queryDefinitions
set @rr = CreateObject("RetrieveRequest")
SetObjectProperty(@rr, "ObjectType", "QueryDefinition")
AddObjectArrayItem(@rr, "Properties", "ObjectID")
set @sfp = CreateObject("SimpleFilterPart")
SetObjectProperty(@sfp, "Property", "CustomerKey")
SetObjectProperty(@sfp, "SimpleOperator", "equals")
AddObjectArrayItem(@sfp, "Value", "LoyaltyMembers")
SetObjectProperty(@rr,"Filter", @sfp)
set @queryDefinitions = InvokeRetrieve(@rr, @rrStatus, @rrRequestID)
output(concat("rrStatus: ", @rrStatus))
output(concat("<br>rrRequestID: ", @rrRequestID))
if rowcount(@queryDefinitions) > 0 then
var @queryDefinition, @ObjectID, @obj
set @queryDefinition = Row(@queryDefinitions, 1)
set @ObjectID = Field(@queryDefinition, "ObjectID")
set @obj = CreateObject("QueryDefinition")
SetObjectProperty(@obj, "ObjectID", @ObjectID)
Set @performStatusCode = InvokePerform(@obj, "start", @performStatusMessage)
<br>queryDefinitions: %%=rowcount(@queryDefinitions)=%%
<br>performStatusCode: %%=v(@performStatusCode)=%%
<br>performStatusMessage: %%=v(@performStatusMessage)=%%
rrStatus: OK
rrRequestID: 3a78779e-6ed3-44b1-a381-3d5134949445 queryDefinitions: 1
performStatusCode: OK
performStatusMessage: QueryDefinition perform called successfully